For my research task i chose to analyse the opening sequence of the teen horror/ thriller "The disappeared", directed, produced and written by Johnny Kervorkian . The film was made in 2008 and was filmed as a low budget British feature film, this inspired us to make our own thriller/horror opening sequence as it has the similar qualities that we intended for our film.

The Sequence starts off with a medium close up shot of main protagonist, Matthew. He is framed at the right hand side while looking down at the ground showing the audience that he may be ashamed of himself and that he may of done something wrong. The location of the film is also discovered in the scene as there are nurses in the background which gives an idea to the audience that he is in some kind of ward or hospital and needed to be taken care of. While this is happening the music fades in and the tension increase when the music gets louder. The next shot is a mid shot of Matthew through the opening of a door, it looks as if someone is watching him. However, this may reflect on his personality and emotions as part of the door is covering part of him which could mean that part of his life is dark and closed off, like a secret.

In the next scene, there are different shots of a different location; a council estate, which is part of the mis-en-scene, the different shots, show the different parts of the council estate, but is shown with tension and emotion. This was done by creating a sense that the place was empty and lifeless as the weather and time of day was late afternoon so the lighting is dim and grey, just like the atmosphere of the film. While this is happening the background music is a kind of creepy and chilling track, which creates the atmosphere.
The title of the film then fades in with tear drops in the background, which could symbolise the emotions of the film. The next shot is a mid tracking shot of the father and son walking back home, while Matthew is walking behind him looking down, still giving away the fact that he has done something wrong. The fact that Matthew can't look at his dad gives this emotion away to the audience as it shows regret and distress the way his body language is speaking to the camera.

In the next scene they arrive at the flat and the boy goes into the room and straight away the audience can notice a little boy's school bag hanging from the door hook which Matthew opens the door, this highlights the fact that there is something to do with a younger child within the movie. The next shot is a mid-shot of a stripped bed, maybe insinuating that someone is gone or has 'Disappeared' in his life, the shot then cuts to a toy fire truck, probably his brothers toys and then to a picture frame of the him, his father and his little brother. The mother isn't there meaning that they have probably lost her before this has happened. The way Matthew looks at it these objects, the audience can see the remorse in his eyes, and the audience can tell that he has something to do with the disappearance. It is then cut back to the fire truck but then loud music starts to fade it and a flash back occurs at the scene which by then the director has created a match on action technique with the fire truck, which gives a little history of what had happened.

The loud music insinuates a party of some sort, with teenagers. Alcohol, drugs and expletive language is expressed within this seen which represents the stereotypical view of teenagers; destructive and boisterous. The teenagers are drunk and acting doltish signifying that teenagers are ignorant and irresponsible about their behaviour. Matthew's little brother then comes up to his older brother; Matthew as if he looks up to him and complains that he is bored, which also means that when Matthew isn't with his friends and getting high, he may have been spending time hanging out with his brother. However, when the little brother decides to go to the playground and Matthew agrees but has a patronising tone towards his little brother, the shot goes straight into a long-shot of a playground but at a different part of the day meaning that the flash back has come back to the present, and even though there is a little boy on the swings, it gives the idea to the audience that it might be his little brother. While this is happening the sad music comes back on and an ambulance siren starts which could mean that the neighbourhood isn't safe especially for younger children and by themselves is worse.

A wipe transition is made of a mid shot of Matthew in the center of the frame, smoking. This portrays him as a rebellious teenager but could also mean that he is troubled in life, and that he may think that smoking is a way out of it or to help him. He is staring into the playground as if he was reminiscing or remember someone in his past. When he is finished with his cigarette, he walks to the left of the frame meaning that he is trying to go back to the past to fix something that he had done, the mistakes he has made. There is another wipe transition into a close up shot of Matthew playing with the remote, this can symbolise boredom and loneliness and the camera tracks up to his face the audience can tell that even doing that he is concentrating because he is so bored he is normally entertained by something but you can also tell that he is troubled. Time passes by and he keeps fidgeting around the place and starts to play with a toy dolphin. The audience automatically assumes that its his littles brothers toy, you could easily tell that he is obviously thinking about his brother through his emotions, while he stares into space.

Matthew then gets up and goes to a cupboard where boxes are filled with things in there, obviously which are important to him. He then takes out a box and rummages through it, this makes the audience wonder what he is looking for but he then takes out a new paper article of a missing boy; his little brother. This is shown as a an over the shoulder shot, so we can see it from their point of view and in this case Matthews point of view. The camera then get an extreme close up and tracks along the news paper which highlights the words "Young boy, 8, missing on London Estate" and tracks to his little brothers picture. There is then a cute transition of Matthew looking up, expressing emotions of guilt as his eyes starts to widen. He then takes a video tape but pauses for a while illustrating the sense of hesitation in his actions he then puts it in the video player.

The next scene the television is at the center of the shot and it just a news report of the CCTV footage for his brother in the park, sitting by himself on the swings. The camera then tracks into the television while the father is talking in a conference room about his brother, by the end its a close up of his dad's face as he says how much he misses his son and wants him back. You can see the desperation in his eyes as if he was talking to the criminal that took his son away from him as he is looking straight into the lens of the camera, by this time the audience has sympathised with the father for the loss of his son. While the TV is still playing the video tape a child's voice is saying "Matthew", the audience get a an idea that it may be his little brother trying to talk to him, and goes into an extremely close up of Matthew and you can feel his shock as the audience can feel how he feels. Then there is a fast track on to his face from the left to an extremely close up of his face with his eyes wide open, you could see the fear in his eyes. The child's voice says "Matthew" again but this time it gets louder and while that happen the camera tracks up while he jumps up really quickly, showing his frustration and fear.

The next shot is a low angled long shot of himself but behind an open door, like someone is watching him but looking up at him. Which may be his little brother as he is short and he looks up to his brother, this is also a giveaway because of the voices he is hearing. Paranormal activities start to happen like noises start to happen and he starts pacing around the room calling for his dad. Thinking it may be just his dad coming home from getting food. You can sense the fear and anxiety he is feeling as his emotions are pouring out of this scene. Matthew then watches it for the 3rd time just to make sure its not his imagination and the child voices repeats itself again, you can see the concentration in his eyes as a close up is used in this shot. He then gets frustrated and takes the tape out of the video player and sits himself down, this is a high angled long shot telling the audience that he is weak and scared.
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