Friday, 11 February 2011

Preliminary Task Evaluation: Editing and Filming

When editing our preliminary task we found that it's always better to have more footage to work with because you can test which shots work best. Also, we spent time making sure that the sequence ran smoothly, for example: editing the match on action shot so that it was accurate and precise. This is important as the viewer can easily notice flaws and continuity errors which can spoil the realism of the footage.
The two photos below show the mise-en-scene of our task. The camera at the bottom of the photos is positioned on a tripod at a subtle low angle to highlight the authority of Lucy's character. We also found that sometimes it can be effective, for example, to shoot all the shots that are supposed to be at a subtle low angle after each other to ensure the camera is in the same position for each shot, which maintains continuity.

Sophiya Ali

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